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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Recap of the last couple weeks

My Aunt Sharon came to visit us, and met Aaron for the first time. She recently became a grandmother to twin boys born in December. So she's got the baby thing down pretty well, since Amber and Jerimee and the boys live with her right now.

I've gotten quite a bit of smiles from this little guy!

Of course the baby acne at its most...

And the cradle cap that's starting up on his head..

It's a good thing it didn't last too long... Now his face is starting to fill out and get that soft baby skin again :)

For valentines day, Lukas and I made his valentines. We took this (last minute) pic and made it into these valentines with suckers in them.

The boys got some snail mail valentines from Nana and Papa in Texas, and Grandma Carol. Funny thing is, they all arrived on the same day!

I made some fruit kabobs for Lukas school party. And happily ended up with a large container of leftover fruit for us at home!

Loving these random pics I took of him...

I went back to work last weekend. And apparently Aaron didn't want to sleep.. Or actually.. He couldn't fall asleep, because I wasn't there to nurse him to sleep. He still wouldn't take a binkie and apparently was awake for 5 hours straight. At least Tony did say that he wasn't crying really.
But he sure was all smiles on Sunday when I got to really spend some time with him again.

It definitely was reassuring to me when I came home every morning from work, and saw Aaron sleeping. Then I knew that he could survive the night without me. Now they just have to figure out this binkie situation and put thing himself to sleep. :)
Brady and Lukas are both doing great with Aaron. So far they haven't shown any signs of jealousy. I remember when Brady was born, Lukas used to tell us to put him down, so we could get something for him. So far they both have been understanding of when I can't get something for them, because I was feeding Aaron. Both are great about comforting him as well, when he starts crying. The common phrase they say to him, "It's okay Aaron... It's okay." :)


This little guy had an ear ache two nights this week and I finally brought him into the Drs. I know they say that 70% of ear infections go away on their own, but the pain was just getting worse for him. And I'm glad I brought him in on Wednesday. Because by Wednesday evening, he was in tears and you could just see the pain on his face. He was able to get two doses in that day, and Thursday morning he was already back to his good self! I was so thankful to those two doses of antibiotics for kicking right in and getting rid of the ear infection.

Lukas also was running a fever for two nights, but didn't find anything wrong with him while at the doctor. Just a virus that has to go away on its own.

It made for a hard couple a days, caring for two sick kids and a newborn.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Grey matter

We do monthly educational in-services at work and decided to work on neonatal baby heads this month, since we were able to use Aaron as a scan model. We typically scan premature babies in the NICU to check for hemorrhage. Also check mature babies with large heads for hydrocephalus. Aaron doesn't exhibit either one of these issues, so normal brain anatomy is what we saw. :)

He did so well sleeping there on my lap. When I was pregnant with him, we also had an in service on fetal echo's. It always worries me when I volunteer to do these things, because what if something does show up abnormal. In fact when I was a student in 2004, we used Tony as a scan model at the college, and found he had gallstones! Never had symptoms and still hasn't had issues, thankfully.
So I guess it's also good to know that Aaron has a healthy heart and head. :)

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Email from teacher

Despite some of the craziness at home that he exhibits, he is actually a really good kid in school. ;)
We got an email last week from his teacher, Mrs. Sauceda. We thought this was really special and made sure to point out these special moments to him.
In order to get on pink level, he 'needs' to do three things helpful in the classroom. I asked him what he did and he said: cleaned up, helped figure out a math problem with his classmates, and read independently.

Monday, February 04, 2013

Brady B

He loves to check on Aaron often.
He wants to sit near him.
He wants to hold him.
He loves talking to him.

He loves his green beans.
He loves peanut butter on a spoon.

He has eyelashes that I absolutely adore.
He has big, beautiful, dark brown eyes.

Denard signing

While Aaron and I were at Duck lake this weekend, Tony took the boys to The M Den on campus, to see Michigan football player Denard Robinson. Lukas has done several drawings of Denard over the years, and brought his favorite to have signed.

Tony now has is framed and in the Man Cave. :)

Aaron at 1 month

Aaron had his one month old appt today. Here are his stats for memory:
Weight: 9lbs 10.5oz (10-25th percentile)
Length: 23" (75th percentile)

So he's gained two pounds and two inches since he left the hospital. (7lbs 9oz, 21")

He's had baby acne for about a week now. Seems to have gotten it worse than the first two boys. But it also varies during the day on how red it actually is. Today Dr. Rao said we could put some steroid cream (hydrocortisone) on it if we wanted, but nothing is really needed to help it. Just has to take its course and its not painful to him.

Everything else checked out good and healthy. :)

He seems to be even more attentive to me than the other boys were. Instead of looking around or off in the distance, he's always got his eyes on me. He's even started to respond to me but scrunching his eyes, and forming his mouth into a smile. You can really tell he is responding to me, and it's not just coincidence.
Sleeping really well at night (for a 4 week old). Wakes up to nurse every 3-4 hours, sometimes even 5 hours. And is good about going back to sleep. He's awake for about an hour at a time, and usually 2 or 3 times during the day.