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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

End of month tidbits

• We went to Noah's 10th bday party this weekend. And lucky for the boys, it was at the high school pool! I put Aaron in my moby wrap and chatted with Jennifer, her parents, and Amy. The boys swam for about 1.5 hours and then we had cake in the cafeteria. I've got to try to remember this for birthday parties, especially for my fall and winter babies!

• A student of Tony's made this cute 'diaper-motorcycle' for us:

I've seen people make diaper cakes, but don't think I've seen this motorcycle done before. Too cute! Nana and Papa in Texas would LOVE this!

• Aaron had some awake time this weekend and was very alert in watching me talk to him. He just is so cute! I know, just a little biased, but I sure do have some cute bebes. ;)

• Such a sweet cuddling boy. It's hard for me to want to put him down to do things around the house.

• Lilo and Stitch love sitting near me or checking on Aaron when he's sitting in my lap.

This is from a different night...

• Here is a very awake and alert Aaron from the other night too.. And poor guy, this baby acne he's getting is taking away the spotlight on his handsomeness.

• Monday was a snow day, so I met up with Sara and Ella and took the boys to The Bounce Castle. We were there for a good 3.5 hours too!

It was completely empty when we first got there. And really didn't seem busy until the last half hour we were there. Definitely was nice to have them burn some energy.

• I picked up this heather grey knit fabric at Walmart for $1/yd and made two more Moby wraps from it. One is for Katie, due next month with her fourth boy. :)

Well that's it for now. Just wanted to play catch up from the last few days. :)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

My boys

Definitely trying to make sure I don't lose track of time and not record these little moments of little baby-ness. With this being my last baby, I'm afraid it's going to go by even quicker. I see my friends and their babies, and can't believe they are 5 months, and 9 months and 12 months old already. I am so not ready for that.
So yea, there will be quite the overload of Aaron's face on this blog. :)
Such a calm baby while I take some pics of him. (Btw, this quilt is from Target, of which I absolutely love!)

Aaron and his daily tummy time...

And for once the boys are getting along and playing a game of Super Why Bingo..

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Loaded with cuteness!

Is this not the cutest face with the cutest hat!?

Jessica also made him a matching crocheted blanket. I can't wait to swaddle him up tomorrow for some more newborn infant pics!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Say "Ahhhhh"

Brady and I had dental cleanings scheduled this morning. I have one cavity that needs a small filling (insert enthusiasm).
Brady's cavity-free appt went pretty well.

We have been concerned about his top two front teeth, as they were starting to turn a shade of grey.

We don't remember any major injury to cause this, but the dentist said it might not have been major trauma. We also were able to get him in to see the pediatric dentist this afternoon, to get a second opinion from someone that might see this more commonly. Both Dentists say we just need to keep watch for swelling above the teeth, under the lip. This would be abscess formation, and would then need the teeth pulled. Otherwise, they said it might just stay grey, might get lighter, and might just do nothing until he looses them later.
So we hope to not see any problems with that.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sub-zero temps

We pretty much lounged around the house today, since there was no school today. Below zero temps and very cold wind chills can do that to a school district.

I worked on cleaning out pictures on the old MacBook. I kept getting an error message that said my startup disk/drive was too full, so therefore I couldn't transfer my pictures over from my iPhone. (And I've got 1,036 of them waiting to be transferred!!)

I was also getting an error message on my iPhone telling my storage was too full to take anymore pictures. So I cleaned thru a bunch of those, and got it down to under 400! Transferred a bunch to my Flickr account, but also mainly deleted a bunch that weren't needed.

But I still need to work on the getting the computer ones cleaned up, maybe even transfer those to Flickr eventually too.

We did make a trip to Target, as I have been wanting to get one of these Crane Humidifiers.

They only had this elephant and the frog available in the store. Rest were available online. But we really needed it now, so I didn't have time to wait for an online order. Still the elephant is pretty cute. And it will match Aaron's grey room when he's in there full time. For now, the humidifier (and Aaron) are in our bedroom.

So we sat it up in the living room the rest of the evening, to test it out.

And now I've moved it into our bedroom for bed. :)


Oh! And look what else we saw in the gift wrap section at Target (!!!!)

Pretty frickin' adorable, right!?!

And ill also leave you with this pic of Lilo and Stitch..

Gnight!! ^_^

Monday, January 21, 2013

Aaron's newborn pics

I was able to get a few pics of Aaron this morning. Having a snowy day made for great reflection of light into my living room. :)

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