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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Finished orders

I finished up the crib sheet this weekend. These sheets fit really well to the standard crib mattress. And have fairly deep pocket so no worries on them coming off.


I also finished up with the reversible crib bumper pad. This bumper was made into 4 pieces.

I loved seeing these come together. :)
Thank You for your business!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Believe it or not..

I think these are the ONLY Easter pics that I have this year! I came home from work and found that the kids had already gotten up, searched for Easter eggs and their baskets, and were ready for breakfast. Done. Totally missed it. Oh well, its not like Christmas and I NEED to make a big production out of it. Still would have been nice for pictures and even to see Brady's excitement from finding them. :)
I did get a few pics of the boys on Papa's new John Deere Gator 'tractor'. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Look Mah!...

.... No Hands!!!

Preparing two orders

I've got two orders in Etsy at the moment. One is for a crib bumper. I ordered my pieces online that I needed and received them at the end of the week. I was able to pre-wash the fabric tonight and get it ready to begin cutting. I should have this done by the end of the week and sent out early next week. :)

This next order is using one of my favorite line of fabrics. It's Central Park by Kate Spain. This fabric is for a crib sheet. This also will be fairly quick and hope to get it put early next week.

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Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Spring Break

We went up to the U.P. (thats Upper Pennisula of Michigan, for those not from 'round here ;)) for Spring Break this year. It was nice to go up and visit my Grandma Peggy. We haven't seen her since before Brady was born, so this gave her a chance to finally meet him. We had a great visit, just lounging around the house. 
We made sure to get the boys marked on the growth chart. 
As you can see, its been around for a looooong time!