Loan Day: 81
I came home from Dallas today and we had plans to go pick up our custom order freestanding tub that I ordered online from Menards. Its a Maax Reverie Freestanding tub. Our plumber has drilled the holes for the drain throughout the house to get that ready, and was wanting both our tubs to be there to place those drains. We got the boys' bath tub last week since it was in stock at Home Depot, but ours was special order.

This is the space where the tub will go, shower is to the right of that half wall.

Its a very deep tub! Bigger than I thought it would be, and I'm very excited for it!!

And of course I had to move the windows out of the way to see how it fits, well to make sure it fits! Wouldn't that be awful if it didn't even fit?! Well it looks great!

A little panoramic to show (L to R) the tub, [tiled] shower, and the toilet room.

Some of the drilled holes in the walls. It makes sense now to see them as close to the interior as possible, so there can still be insulation between the pipes and the exterior wall.

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