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Wednesday, March 06, 2013

2 months old

Aaron, you're growing too fast for me, child. You're suppose to take this slow. You're momma's last baby, so I need to figure out a way to bottle all this up and save it for later. Mainly why I am taking so many pictures of you. Well and to also keep up with all the pics I took of your brothers. Someday I'll catch up on scrapbooks.

So cliche to say, but I can't believe it's been two months since we first met. I really am so blessed with a third, easy going, happy baby. I think it was your steady eye contact and gazing at me from day one that got you so in tuned with humans, and importantly, your momma. You truly were smiling with your eyes at 3-4 weeks. We got to see your mouth smiles at 5 weeks. Definitely love these big mouth grins now!

You're trying so hard to communicate with us, with your cooing. I had forgotten what happens at each stage and milestones. Which is nice, because it's like a little surprise when you do something new.
After birth I thought that you had favored Lukas more. But now I'm seeing a lot Brady facial characteristics comes thru. Still the profile looks like Lukas. I love seeing you become a mix of the two of them.

You're a great sleeper at night. Even though we haven't established an official sleep/eat schedule, you're usually down to sleep for the night between 8-10, and will sleep 5-6 hours for your first chunk, feed, then go right back to sleep another 3-4 hours. You just started this about 1-2 weeks ago, just after I went back to work.

You're also a great nurser. Pretty regular every 3 hours during the day, with the exception of just a few cluster feedings. We also started to try out cloth diapers this past week and we've done great with them so far and are using them about 70%. I can't wait to get our next shipment.

You're a total joy to have around, so rewarding! The boys are even great with you and love holding you! I'm looking forward to spring, so we can get you outside for you go explore.

We love you so much Aaron Oliver. You complete our family. :)

Edited to add...
2 month appt stats today:
Weight= 11lbs. 1oz.
Length= 24" long

(Birth: Weight=8lbs, Length=21")

1 comment:

  1. Oh is he cute!!!! Time is going much too fast, for sure!!! 44 days or less until my little one joins us!!!
