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Wednesday, February 09, 2011

SE Michigan Crafter's Meet-up / Etsy order Crib Skirt

I've been reading made-by-rae for awhile now, and have heard recently that she actually lives in MI. In the late fall she started up these crafter's meetups, where her blog readers would get together and work on their crafty items. The meetings that they have had so far have been a little more out of my way than I was willing to drive. But there must have been enough input, including myself, that she wanted to venture out west a little more, and planned a meetup in Ann Arbor. So I met Rae and Karen and these other blog crafters at The Blue House in Ann Arbor on Monday night. We all brought sweets, snacks, and of course our sewing.
I invited Brenda to come along, and we got to chat to a few girls about the new Modern Quilting Guild in Ann Arbor as well. Im excited to see this guild grow as well. One thing that happened that was pretty neat, I was talking with a girl at my table, Emily for a bit. About our kids, crafts, new house stuff.. and then we exchanged blog addresses so we could stalk read up on each others blogs. When she handed me her blog address, I got excited and said, "OMG, you're EmmmyLizzzy!! I read your blog!" And then she replies, "Oh, you're THAT LeeAnn!" LOL! It was too funny.. Such a small world in the blogging world. What threw me off is, there is a picture on her blog of her as a blond. Its a small pic, so you can't really see her face to be recognized in person. But she acknowledged, that yes, she used to be blond. lol. Anyways, I met some really great girls there and look forward to meeting up with them again.
I won't be able to make it to the March meeting, since its on a work night. So hopefully the April meeting will be doable for me. :)

During the night, I worked on an Etsy order for a crib skirt with this fabric: 
It is Timeless Treasures Organic Cotton “The Mighty Jungle”
 I was able to start and finish it completely in the 3.5 hours that I was there. Although I'm sure it doesn't normally take me that long, but when you are sewing with company... well you know.. its just more fun that way. :)
So I had to model the crib skirt on my coffee table this time. My son was sleeping in his crib for the night. And I wanted to get this packaged up and shipped out on Wednesday morning. But wanted to take pics of it before it left my hands.
 This is the Simple Box Pleat Crib Skirt listed here in my shop.
 Thank You Jennifer for your business! :)

Another cool thing... At this meet up, the girl that was sitting in front of me was making a baby quilt for her new nephew thats arriving soon, and she was using this fabric, along with the other ones in the collection. 
We were fabric twins for the night! lol.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!!! That turned out fantastic! So glad you could come to the meetup; it was great meeting you LeeAnn! :)
